DBZ Dokkan Battle
Tips and Tricks
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DBZ Dokkan Battle Hacks are any tools, mods, apps or techniques that allow you to gain an advantage in Dokkan battle on Android and iOS alike: Modded APK and iOS Mods, Bots, Game Hacking Tools and Exploits are the most popular Downloads in this category. However, hacks for unlimited free Zeni/Money, Dragon Stones and free Summons do not exist and any online generator or hack is fake.

dbz dokkan battle hack

Unlimited Dragon Stones & Zeni Hacks

Neither a hack for unlimited / infinite free Dragon Steones, nor Zeni, medals, orbs, characters/units, summons, multi-sumons, or any other goodies or ingame currencies exists, because these account properties are stored on the Dokkan Battle servers and therefore are virtually non-hackable. You can only change values through hacking tools that are located on your device. Stamina, Dragon Stones, Zen, Unlocked UR / LR ect Characters and levels are not stored on your device and therefore cannot be hacked using any tools or generators. Anyone offering this kind of cheat for Download is a scammer and not to be trusted. Remember: Anyone can claim anything on the internet.

If you want hacks for unlimited Dragon Stones, use your credit card and spend money or try to set up a bot in order to auto farm daily missions, stages and events for unlimited dragon stones over time. – Free purchases in the shop are also not possible using any app or tools.

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Dokkan Battle Hacks & Mods

There are two main viable ways of implementing hacking options into the game: Using premade modded APKs or IPAs also known as ‘mods’ for Android and Apple iOS devices respectively, or to hack the game yourself using a memory editor. The most popular method by far here is the use of mods, since they are extremely easy to download, install and use as opposed to the alternative game hacking methods used in Dokkan Battle by those that are looking to gain a significant advantage using any such means.

Hacks will offer the user advantages, such as speeding up animations, implementing auto battle actions, automatically collecting login rewards, auto completing achievements and dailies for some free dragon stones ect. However, no DOKKAN BATTLE hack app is able to manipulate the game server and any values stored there. With other words: There is no direct way though memory editing or modded game files or Dokkan Battle Mods to directly change your money (zeni) value or your dragon stones, get free summons and so on.

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Mod Menus

The most premium and most exclusive and awesome cheat currently available in Dokkan Battle on Android and iOS mobile gaming devices is the mod menu: It is a special kind of mod that usually is developed by the most senior programmers and reverse-engineers in the game hacking space, includes the most cheat features and options, a menus that allows you to configure your mods and turn individual options on or off and in some rare cases will even automatically update your mod to the latest working version as soon as it is released.

Mod menus will usually require a jailbroken or rooted device just like any mod but may require nor root or no jailbroken device in some very rare cases. If you are looking to install modded versions of Dokkan Battle without risk, we recommend using an Emulator.

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Bots for automated Farming

A bot is extremely useful in DBZ Dokkan Battle, because it can take a lot of the grind out of the game for you, get you essentially free money, characters, free summons over time, free dragon stones and spend your stamina continually and effectively. However, it will take time. A bot/AI/Script will connect either to the game servers directly to play the game, use the actual game app on your mobile device/tablet or be run through an emulator on your PC. The bot will log into your account and perform certain automated actions, such as farming missions, complete events for SSR or UR characters, farm dragon stones, farm KI to awaken and level up characters, farming stages for money/training items, doing strike events automatically ect. Bots are also quite adept at fighting actual DOKKAN BATTLE fights using your team, recognizing the correct KI and strategy to focus on to stack health, do insane damage, nuke ect. Whatever your team specializes in, a good bot will have a battle profile for it.

Overall, DOKKAN BATTLE automation apps and bots are the closest you will get to an unlimited money and dragons tone cheat without actually knowing a game administrator and getting him to give you resources and characters directly. It is also an awesome way to always spend your stamina without having to play the game, slowly unlocking, leveling and awakening character over time. Learn how to create your own bot.

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Are there many cheaters in DOKKAN BATTLE?
Yes. As with most online games, the top pro players will be using one kind of cheat, tool or bot or another. Since at the very top 1% of 1% of gameplay, every second counts, eveything has to be perfectly optimized and timed at all times. However, human beings require sleep and are usually not able to play a game for about 7 to 8h per day at least. This is there account sharing and bots come in, which both are technically cheating already. So with other words: Yes the best players have always and will always be players that cheat, because as soon as one guy cheats, every other top player has to do it too to keep up, this is no different in DOKKAN BATTLE as well.

Is it legal to cheat in DBZ Dokkan Battle?
Cheating in any game, including online games and mobile games is 100% legal everywhere in the world. Generally, people don’t like it very much since it is considered unfair, as it should be, because cheating literally means gaining an unfair advantage. So while it is legal, it is against the Terms of Use, which are not binding, but it basically means that you can get banned. BANDAI NAMKO has the right to ban your account at any time for any reason, which it is recommended to use quality hacking apps that are undetected at all times and not to download free stuff online (or only use on your alt accounts).

Exploits & Glitches

Exploiting also known as glitching is the use of game bugs to gain unfair advantages and cheat in Dokkan Battle. – While the bugs that are required for this kind of game hacking to work are exceedingly rare, once it is possible, exploiting has the potential to make usually impossible cheats possible. So while usually and under normal circumstances features like unlimited free zeni, dragon stones, free summons, god modes, damage hacks and similar are made impossible by server-sided checks, bugs in the game servers can make these extremely overpowered Exploits possible for a limited time. – some of the most sought-after exploits are item duplication glitches, bugged rewards, bugged shop prices allowing for free in-game purchases or making microtransactions cheaper and god mode glitches allowing for more damage or nearly unlimited health in battle. – So while exploits will only ever last until the developers become aware of them and inevitably hotfix the underlying issues, it pays to keep a keen eye on the game hacking forums covering DBZ Dokkan Battle to catch active exploits before they get patched from the game forever.